


  • 病人护理
  • 教育和培训
  • Research
  • 管理地区资源

WHHS follows the Patient First Ethic; all decisions made and actions taken 是基于病人的最大利益吗.

进一步精益求精的目标和病人至上的道德,都在WHHS 在他们的互动中应该遵守职业行为准则 与病人、同事、其他卫生专业人员、学生和公众.

守则中有“职员”一词.“在这种情况下, the term staff includes, the board of directors, employees, members of 医务人员、志愿者、合同工、学生和教师.

The 职业行为准则 is a series of principles that govern 专业的交互. 《亚洲博彩》由两部分组成: 职业义务与职业理想. “义务” 参照道德基础所要求的职业行为 的道德声明. “理想”指的是专业 所有级别的专业人员都应该尝试获得的行为,因为 他们提高了专业水平.

The Code applies to all staff at WHHS involved in the clinical, teaching, 中心的研究和行政活动. 因为它的范围很广 reach, certain portions of the Code will be more directly applicable to 有些学科不如另一些学科. 例如,临床部分适用 to physicians, nurses, technicians and all other professionals engaged 在病人护理方面. 同样,这些部分与教学和 研究适用于所有从事教学和研究的专业人员 纪律或训练水平的. 与学生有关的部分 适用于所有级别的学员. 法典的一般部分,其中 discuss confidentiality, conflicts of interest, interpersonal relations 和专业理想适用于所有WHHS员工.

不符合专业要求 obligations described below represents 违反了WHHS的职业行为准则. 违反 本守则的专业义务将由适当人士处理 世卫组织纪律委员会和程序. 不符合专业要求 理想虽然不那么严重,但也可能是纪律审查的理由.

A. 专业的义务

  1. 尊重他人
    * Treat patients and staff with the same degree of respect you would wish 他们向你展示.
    * Do not use offensive language, 口头或书面, when referring 对病人或他们的疾病.
    * Do not harass others physically, verbally, psychologically or sexually.
    * Do not discriminate on the basis of sex, religion, race, disability, 年龄或性取向.
    *避免恐吓、脏话、威胁等行为 暴力或报复.
    * Respect with tolerance, the religion, culture and customs of patients, 访客及职员.
    * Realize that patients and their visitors are in an environment that can 让人感到陌生和恐惧. 经常用语言交流 外行也能理解.
  2. 尊重病人的隐私
    * Do not share medical information with anyone except those health care professionals integral to the care of the patient or within the context 医院手术.
    * Do not discuss patients or their illnesses in public places where the 谈话可能被无意中听到.
    *不要以口头或书面的方式公开指认患者 足够的理由.
    * Do not invite or permit unauthorized persons into patient care areas 机构的.
    * Do not access confidential patient information without a professional 需要知道."
    *不要从处所带走病人的机密资料. Staff 必须在其工作范围内做到这一点,必须确保适当的保障 是否有适当的措施来保护信息.
  3. Honesty
    *保持准确、诚实的病人护理和业务活动记录; which include following procedures to correct and amend records and to 在医疗记录中做迟来的记录.
  4. Integrity
    Integrity means strict adherence to a code or set of values such as this 职业行为准则,美国护士协会准则 护士职业道德,或美国医学协会的职业道德准则.

    *向同事、主管承认你的遗漏和委托错误 和病人.
    * Make patient care decisions based on patients' needs and desires not 关于财政优惠或补偿.
    不要滥用特权.g.进行未经授权的长途电话 电话.
  5. 照顾病人的责任
    * Obtain the patient's informed consent for diagnostic tests or therapies 尊重病人拒绝治疗或手术的权利.
    * Assume responsibility for the patients under your care until you have 把护理工作交给另一个专业人员,而那个专业人员 是否已确认转移照顾.
    *跟进指定的实验室检查并完成患者记录文件 及时认真.
    *确保所有病人的检查和治疗都得到完成和遵守 了适当的.
    *与您的团队协调与患者分享信息的时机 and their families to present a coherent and consistent treatment plan.
    *不要滥用酒精或药物,这可能会降低病人的质量 关心你的职业表现.
    * Do not develop romantic or sexual relationships with patients; if such a relationship seems to be developing, seek guidance and terminate the 专业的关系.
    不要抛弃病人. 如果你不能/不愿意继续照顾, you have an obligation to assist in making a referral to another competent 愿意照顾病人的医生.
  6. 职业发展 & 局限性意识
    * Be aware of your personal limitations and deficiencies in knowledge and abilities and know when and whom to ask for supervision, assistance or 咨询.
    * Students and other trainees should have all patient workups and orders 由主管审核并会签.
    * Do not involve patients in personal issues or solicit for personal gain.
    * Do not engage in unsupervised involvement in areas or situations where 你没有受过充分的训练.
  7. 系专业人士
    * Clearly identify yourself and your professional level to patients and staff; wear your name badge at all times above the waist and in plain view.
    着装要整洁、干净、得体. 保持专业 尽管有疲劳、职业压力或其他压力,但仍能保持镇静 个人问题.
    * Do not make offensive or judgmental comments about patients or staff, 口头或书面.
    * Do not criticize the medical decisions of colleagues in the presence 病人或工作人员或医疗记录中.
    *不要滥用酒精或药物,这可能会降低病人的质量 护理或专业表现.
    *不参与政治活动,包括穿着政治服装 在卫生保健处所内进行按钮和讨论政治问题.
  8. 避免利益冲突
    * While on the premises do not accept gifts of value from drug companies 或供应商或供应商.
    * Do not refer patients to laboratories or other healthcare facilities 你在其中有直接的经济利益但没有披露.
    *不接受“回扣”(任何意图施加影响的付款) 决定)的任何病人转诊.
    * For staff in decision-making positions, disclose any outside financial interests or commercial activities, including those of immediate family 成员、家庭伴侣或其他有重要个人关系的人; 这可能代表利益冲突,影响专业表现.
  9. 同伴行为的责任
    *主动识别和帮助有障碍的员工 of the Employee Assistance Program, Employee Health Services, Physicians' 福利委员会或其他适当的转介. (障碍包括, 但不限于,酒精和/或药物滥用,抑郁,其他身体 或精神疾病).
    *向有关部门报告严重违反《亚洲博彩》的情况 员工,如果不确定,与你的主管或部门讨论情况 chair. 您可以直接向合规官报告.
    * Indicate disapproval or seek appropriate intervention if you observe 不太严重的违规行为.
    * No action of retaliation or reprisal shall be taken against anyone who 举报涉嫌欺诈或不当行为.
    *任何试图或鼓励他人报复某人的人 谁举报了违规行为将受到纪律处分.
  10. 尊重个人道德
    *您无需执行以下程序(e.g.选择性堕胎; 终止治疗)你个人认为是不道德的 非法,或可能对患者有害.
    * Should a patient request a treatment contrary to your personal values but consistent with current standards of care, you have a duty to refer 将病人转到其他医生或机构进行这种治疗.
  11. 尊重财产和法律
    *遵守WHHS的规定和政策.g.、管理政策 消防安全,危险废物处理和普遍预防措施.
  12. 研究诚信
    *在科学和学术报告中诚实地报告研究结果 和出版物.
    在发表和提交报告时,给予适当的信任和责任 致同事和其他参与研究的人.
    * Report research findings to the public and press honestly and without 夸张.
    * Avoid potential conflicts of interest in research; disclose funding sources, company ownership and other potential conflicts of interest in written 以及口头研究报告.
  13. 使用WHHS的电脑系统
    * Do not use WHHS computing resources for purposes beyond those for which 你被授权了.
    * Do not electronically transmit or distribute material that would be in 违反现行卫生保健政策或指引.
    *尊重其他使用者的私隐. 更具体地说,不要阅读,删除, 复制或修改其他用户的数据、信息、文件、电子邮件或程序 (统称为“电子文件”),而不需要其他用户的 表示同意.
    * Do not intentionally introduce any program or data intended to disrupt 正常操作(e).g.(电脑“病毒”或“蠕虫”) 输入WHHS的计算机系统.
    *不要绕过或试图绕过正常的资源限制,登录 程序,或安全规定.
    *切勿将卫生保健处的资讯科技资源用于任何私人活动. 不出口卫生保健系统供个人使用.
    * Endeavor to use WHHS information computing resources in an efficient 和富有成效的态度. 避免玩游戏,使用流媒体视频或音频, printing excessive copies of documents, files, data, or programs; or attempting 使计算机资源崩溃或阻塞.
  14. 尊重商业道德
    *只向病人收取在适当情况下提供的所有临床服务的费用 WHHS政策所定义的级别.
    * Ensure that payment requests from vendors, employees and other payees 处理是否及时,准确,并有适当的文件记录.
    * Do not promise payments to vendors or other payees or sign contracts 这超出了你的职权范围.
    *按照规章制度提交授权的员工考勤卡 讨价还价单位,WHHS,加利福尼亚州和联邦政府 government.
    * Do not take or borrow property or cash from patients, visitors or WHHS.
    *提供准确、完整、相关的报告和其他信息; 及时且可理解.
    * Do not offer patients discounts or write/offs without proper approval.
    * Code medical records accurately, consistent with industry guidelines. 不升级代码以改善报销.

B. 职业理想

  1. 临床的美德
    * Cultivate and practice clinical virtues, such as caring, empathy and 同情.
  2. 责任心
    如果有事情影响到你的能力,通知主管 有效地执行任务.
    * Learn from experience and grow from the knowledge gained from errors 为了避免重复.
    *通过实践,致力于终身学习和自我提升 一个持续学习和不断提高质量的个人计划.
    *准确、彻底、清晰、及时地完成各项任务; this may include attending and participating in meetings and conferences.
    * Avoid patient involvement when you are ill, distraught or overcome with 个人问题.
  3. 同僚合作/合作
    *在回答员工和病人的问题时,不要浪费时间 和游客.
    *采用一种精神来承担你应得的机构负担 志愿服务和利他主义.
    * Use communal resources (equipment, supplies and funds) responsibly and equitably.
  4. 客观性
    *避免为家人或他人提供专业护理 和你有亲密的私人关系的人.
  5. 对社会的责任
    * Avoid unnecessary patient or societal health care monetary expenditures.
    * Provide appropriate emergency services to all patients regardless of 他们的支付能力.
    *展示确保亚洲博彩未来可行性的行为 为本区居民提供的系统.

在一些部门存在关于职业行为的附加准则 and affiliated organizations of WHHS including, but not limited to, the 医务人员、志愿服务和信息服务.